Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sophia Loren ("The Italian Bombshell")

Sophia Loren
Famous For:
  • Her Body, Her Beauty & Her Boobs (The 3 Bs)
  • A Superstar In Italy; Sophia reached International fame in the late 50s and early 60s after signing a 5 picture deal with Paramount in 1958.
  • The minute she hit the American screen in "Houseboat" with Cary Grant, Sophia's career exploded.
  • Surprisingly, she remains an icon to this day even though most of her American pictures were mediocre.
  • "El Cid" (1961)
  • "A Countess From Hong Kong" (1967)
  • "Grumpier Old Men" (1995)
 Sophia Loren has talked many times of how she was young and hungry when directors asked her and other young actresses to pose nude. While she claims she did not want to (and neither did the others), it was pose or lose their jobs.
 Sophia Loren (14) met Director Carlo Ponti (36) at a beauty pagent in Italy. They were together the rest of thier lives. Ponti was married. The courts recognized their co-habitation as common law marriage from 1957-1962. The couple was forced to get an annulment to avoid Carlo's being prosecuted for bigamy. They officially married in 1966 living together until Ponti's death in 2007.
 It's been rumored that Carlo Ponti paid for transplants for Sophia at a very young age in order to help her film career.
And how can I not include this famous shot...
Sophia with Jayne Mansfield
The "Get Your Boobs The Hell Away From Me" Shot
Which of course leads to an excuse to throw in a couple
Jayne Mansfield nudes!

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